Welcome to Reception
The Reception Team
Mrs Welsh Owls Class 1
Mrs Pitter Squirrels Class 2
Support staff
Mrs Kidd
Miss Rogers
Mrs Powdrill
Miss Mason
Mrs Mobey
The Reception team can be contacted by telephone: 01793 342342
Early Years Foundation Stage
In EYFS at Goddard Park Community Primary School, the curriculum is designed to recognise children’s prior learning and their experiences at home, provide first-hand learning experience, whilst allowing the children to build resilience, ambition and integrity in a language rich environment.
Every child is recognised as a unique individual and we celebrate and welcome differences within our school community. The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values fostering a love of reading. We provide enhancement opportunities to engage learning and believe that our first experiences of school should be happy and positive, enabling us to develop a lifelong love of learning. Throughout their time in EYFS, the children develop a sense of belonging to our community, ready to transition to year 1 the following academic year.
Providing the opportunities that give the children the confidence and skills to make decisions and self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.
Learning opportunities are provided in a rich learning environment for the children to explore the seven areas of learning:
Prime Areas
- 1) Communication and Language
- 2) Physical Development
- 3) Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Specific Areas
- 1) Literacy
- 2) Mathematics
- 3) Understanding The World
- 4) Expressive Arts and Design
Exploring our learning environment
Physical Development - PE
Ball Skills - PE
Passing a ball over and under to our partner
Working with my team
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Outdoor Learning - our Gruffalo Garden
- Understanding the World
Outdoor Learning - Woodland
- Understanding the World
Nativity Play
All the children took part in different characters during our Nativity play. The adults enjoyed mince pies and a drink at the end.
Pantomime Trip
Early Years walked to New College to watch The Little Mermaid Pantomime. Everybody enjoyed shooting out "he is behind you!"
Santa visited
Santa visited our classes and all the children were delighted to receive a present from him.
PE Days
Children must have their PE kits in school for the term.
Squirrels Class- Monday
Owls Class- Wednesday
Library Books
We change our books every Tuesday. Please enjoy reading the books with your child.
The Owls were very proud to receive the Attendance Trophy for coming to school everyday, on time and in school uniform. Miss Harding gave the trophy during our Whole School Assembly.
Reception Year group attend the Whole School Assembly on Mondays and Story and Singing Assembly with Year 1 on Tuesdays.
Homework will be sent home on Friday and is due in the following Wednesday.
Please ensure your child has their reading book in school every day. Your child would benefit from reading every evening with an adult.